
  • ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis

  • ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act

  • ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • ADL - Activities of Daily Living

  • AI - Auditorily Impaired

  • APE - Adapted Physical Education

  • AR - Annual Review

  • AT - Assistive Technology

  • AUT - Autistic

  • BD - Behavior Disorder

  • BDI - Battelle Developmental Inventory

  • BIP - Behavioral Intervention Plan

  • BOE - Board of Education

  • CA - Chronological Age

  • CBI - Community Based Instruction

  • CPI - Crisis Prevention Institute

  • CI - Communication Impaired

  • CST - Child Study Team

  • DCP&P - Department of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly DYFS)

  • DDD - Department of Developmental Disabilities

  • DOE - Department of Education

  • DVR - Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

  • ED - Emotionally Disturbed

  • EI - Early Intervention

  • ELL - English Language Learner (previously ESL)

  • ESERS - Eligible for Special Education and Related Services

  • ESLS - Eligible for Speech Language Services

  • ESY - Extended School Year

  • FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education

  • FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

  • FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment

  • HI - Hearing Impaired

  • HOH - Hard of Hearing

  • ID - Intellectually Disabled

  • IDEIA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

  • IEE - Independent Educational Evaluation

  • IEP - Individualized Education Program

  • IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan

  • LD - Learning Disability

  • LEA - Local Education Agency

  • LEP - Limited English Proficient

  • LLD - Language and Learning Disabled

  • LRE - Least Restrictive Environment

  • MD - Multiply Disabled

  • OCR - Office of Civil Rights

  • OHI - Other Health Impaired

  • OI - Orthopedically Impaired

  • OSEP - Office of Special Education Programs

  • OT - Occupational Therapy

  • PCD - Preschool Child with a Disability

  • PLAAFP - Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance

  • PSD - Preschool Disability

  • PT - Physical Therapy

  • RTI - Response to Intervention

  • SEA - State Education Agency

  • SLD - Specific Learning Disability

  • TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

  • VI - Visually Impaired

  • WPPSI - Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence

  • WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children