HIB Information

District Anti-Bullying Coordinator

  • Melissa Goad

  • Patrick McGaheran School

  • 63 Allerton Road

  • Lebanon, NJ 08833

  • 908 735-5151

  • Email Melissa Goad

Anti-Bullying Specialists

Clinton Township Middle School

Affirmative Action Officer


Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Have the Right to a Free, Appropriate Public Education

Local homeless education liaison:
Mrs. Jennifer Paccione
Telephone: (908) 238-9141 ext. 244
E-mail: Email Jennifer Paccione

State coordinator for homeless education:
Pheobie Thomas
Telephone: (609) 376-9080
E-mail: Email Pheobie Thomas

More information can be found at the state of New Jersey homeless education website.

Additional information about the Clinton Township School District policies and procedures regarding the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is homeless?

A: Anyone who, due to lack of housing, lives:

  • In a shelter

  • In a motel

  • In a vehicle

  • In a campground

  • On the street

  • Doubled-up with relatives or friends due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason

For more information please visit the NCHE's Determining Eligibility for Services Under McKinney-Vento webpage.

Q: Where Can homeless Children and youth attend school?

A: Homeless children and youth can choose to attend either of the following:

  • The school of origin: the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled

  • The local attendance area school: any public school that non-homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the child or youth is actually living are eligible to attend

For more information please visit the NHCE's School Selection: Choosing Between the School of Origin and the Local School webpage.

Q: Can students experiencing homelessness be denied enrollment for lacking paperwork that is normally required for enrollment?

A: No. Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, children and youth experiencing homelessness have the right to immediate enrollment, even if lacking paperwork normally required for enrollment, such as:

  • Birth certificate

  • Immunization or other health/medical records

  • Previous academic records

  • Proof of residence

  • Proof of guardianship

Enrollment tip: In instances where paperwork is lacking, the following strategies may be used:

  • Birth certificate: The school district can assist in getting a copy of the student's birth certificate or accept a signed Affidavit for Missing Enrollment Documentation

  • Immunization and/or other health/medical records: The school district can assist in getting copies of the student's records and/or assist in getting any needed immunizations.

  • Previous academic records: The school district can contact the student's previous school/district and arrange for the immediate transfer of the student's records.

  • Proof of guardianship: The school district can accept a signed Caregiver Authorization Form.

  • Proof of residency: The school district can accept a signed affidavit stating that the family is staying in temporary accommodations.

According to federal law, while enrollment documentation is being gathered, the homeless student's enrollment and full participation in school must continue uninterrupted.

A list of the common signs of homelessness can be found here.

For additional information and resources on homeless education, visit the National Center for Homeless Education website.

Other Helpful Websites