The Leadership Team

superintendent headshot

Superintendent Of Schools

Dr. Melissa Stager

Dr. Stager  joined Clinton Township School District (CTSD)  in April of 2022. Prior to being appointed as the Superintendent of CTSD, she served as the Director of Curriculum at Somerville School District. Her previous experiences include working at the New Jersey Department of Education as an Educational Specialist for both the office of Career and Technical Education and Somerset County. While in Somerset county Dr. Stager also assisted in Morris County, and with other districts around the state. Dr. Stager began her career as a high school English Teacher in New York State before moving to teach high school English in New Jersey in 2001.  Over the course of her career  she has taught in grades 3-12 as a gifted and talented coordinator, a school wide enrichment teacher, a project based learning specialist, and a technology teacher. Her undergraduate is from St. John Fisher College in NY. She has a MS in Reading from SUNY Postsdam, a MS in School Leadership from Montclair State, and her Ed.D from St. Peter's University. Dr. Stager served as an Adjunct Professor at Delaware Valley University and  New Jersey City University. She has lived in Hunterdon County for over twenty years with her husband and two sons.

School Business Administrator headshot

School Business Administrator

Dr. Gretchen Dempsey

Dr. Dempsey joined Clinton Township Board of Education as the School Business Administrator on July 1, 2023.   Prior to being appointed as the BA in Clinton Township School District, she served as the Superintendent of Schools in Somerset Hills School District.  Dr. Dempsey began her educational career in 2002 as a third grade teacher, and has experience as an elementary math specialist, an elementary principal, and a middle school principal.  She has also worked at Drew University as part of the Drew Writing Project & Digital Literacies Collaborative. Before changing careers in 2002, Dr. Dempsey worked for a major insurance company as an computer systems analyst.   She has an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from SUNY Albany, Masters degrees in both Teaching and Educational Leadership from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a doctorate from Northeastern University.  She has lived in Somerset County for  thirty years with her husband, with whom she has three children.

Director Of Special Services headshot

Director of Special Services

Mrs. Jennifer Paccione

Mrs. Paccione has been the Director of Special Services since September 1, 2022.  Mrs. Paccione has been a special education teacher, general education teacher and intervention teacher for Clinton Township School District, she has over 24 years experience in education and has served as Supervisor of Instruction, Data and Assessment. Mrs. Paccione received her undergraduate degree in Special Education from Kean University in Union, New Jersey. She received a Masters Degree in Elementary Literacy and Reading from Walden University and her Educational Leadership Degree from Centenary University, Hackettstown, NJ. She lives in Morris County with her husband and her middle school age son. Mrs. Paccione has two adult daughters and enjoys when her family gets together.

Director Of Curriculum, Learning And Grants

Director of Curriculum, Learning, and Grants

Mr. Carl Blanchard

Mr. Blanchard joined Clinton Township in February 2023. Prior to being appointed Director of Curriculum, Learning, and Grants, Mr. Blanchard was a science supervisor for a K-12 school district and the director of an office at the NJDOE. He taught high school science in three school districts over 17 years. He is the 2011 Somerset County Teacher of the Year and earned National Board Teaching Certification. He received his graduate degree in education from Boston College and undergraduate degree in physiology from Newcastle University in the UK. He lives in Bridgewater with his wife and five children.

Supervisor Of Instruction, Data And Assessment headshot

Supervisor of Instruction, Data and Assessment

Mrs. Joanne Filus

Mrs. Joanne Filus began her career in education as a first grade and gifted and talented teacher in Woodbridge Township, NJ.   She has a passion for the primary grade levels and has been a kindergarten, third grade and K-2 technology teacher in Clinton Township.  She was recommended to the position of supervisor in June of 2022.  Mrs. Filus hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from Montclair State University and a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership, also from Montclair State University.  Her certifications include K-8 Teacher, Supervisor and Principal. Mrs. Filus has lived in Clinton Township since 1991 with her husband and two daughters.

Supervisor Of Special Services And Instruction headshot

Principal, Spruce Run Preschool

Supervisor of Special Services and Instruction

Mrs. Stephanie Rosa

Mrs. Stephanie Rosa has been a special education teacher for Clinton Township School District for 16 years and has over 21 years of experience in the field of education. She most recently served as the Head Teacher for the Extended School year program prior to becoming a supervisor in September of 2022. 

Mrs. Rosa received her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont. She received her Masters in Special Education from Castleton University in Castleton, Vermont and also holds a Masters Degree in Instructional Leadership from Centenary University in Hackettstown, NJ. She lives in Lopatcong Township with her husband and son.

Principal headshot

Principal, Clinton Township Middle School 6th - 8th

Mr. Luke Mason

Mr. Mason took on the position of Principal at Clinton Township Middle School in January 2023. He is passionate about middle school education and enjoys collaborating with staff, students, and parents to facilitate the implementation of engaging academics that meet the developmental needs of our children. Prior to taking on his current role as principal, Mr. Mason served as the CTMS assistant principal, a middle school language arts teacher for twelve years and a literacy instructional coach for two years. In addition to educating students, he also trains middle school teachers in his role as a consultant for the Center for Responsive Schools. For CRS, he piloted and developed the middle school approach to social and emotional learning. In coordination with his work experience, Mr. Mason holds two master’s degrees, one in teaching and one in educational leadership. He lives in Warren County with his wife and two children. 

Assistant Principal headshot

Assistant Principal, Clinton Township Middle School 6th - 8th

Mrs. Christina Hunte

Mrs. Hunte joined Clinton Township Middle School in May of 2023. Prior to her position as an assistant principal, she served as an Instructional Supervisor for the Essex Regional Educational Services Commission in Fairfield, NJ. Mrs. Hunte was a middle school language arts teacher for 13 years and was recognized as Teacher of the Year during the 2016-2017 school year. She completed her undergraduate degree at Kean University majoring in Elementary Education and English and obtained a master’s degree from Walden University. She later pursued Educational Leadership at Montclair University. Mrs. Hunte enjoys reading and visiting National Parks. She lives in Warren County with her husband.  

Principal, Round Valley School - 3rd - 5th headshot

Principal, Round Valley School - 3rd - 5th

Mrs. Mary Postma

Mrs. Mary Postma became the Principal of Round Valley School in July, 2018. Prior to that, she was Principal of Patrick McGaheran Elementary School from 2007-2018. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude, from Centenary College. Mrs. Postma continued her education at Lehigh University receiving a Master of Education degree in Elementary Education, followed by a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership. She holds certification as a K-8 Teacher, Supervisor and Principal. Mrs. Postma has experience teaching Kindergarten, First Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade and Literacy. She began teaching in the Clinton Township School District in 1999. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and son.

Principal, Patrick Mcgaheran School - K - 2nd headshot

Principal, Patrick Mcgaheran School - K - 2nd

Mrs. Melissa Goad

Mrs. Melissa Goad has been a principal in the Clinton Township School District since 2004. She began her career as a student teacher in 1995 at Spruce Run School, and spent nine years as a special and general education teacher at Patrick McGaheran School, as well as Director of the ACE Summer Program for five years. She earned her Master of Education in Educational Administration and Supervision from Rutgers University in 2003 and previously received an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Special Education from Rutgers in 1995. She has both general education and special education teaching certifications, as well as Principal, Supervisor and School Administrator certifications. Mrs. Goad has also served as an adjunct professor at Centenary College teaching graduate courses in Special Education. She lives in Hunterdon County with her husband, two children, and many pets.